Image Management
- Mapivi supports any existing folder structure
- Mapivi stores just picture meta information (IPTC, EXIF, comments, ...) in his database
- Mapivi supports pictures on removable media (CD, DVD, USB-HD, ...)
- IPTC/IIM information (International Press
Telecommunications Council Information Interchange Model) with
keywords, categories, location, headline, caption/abstract, writer, ...:
- display IPTC
- add, edit, remove IPTC (also multiple pictures at once) [more]
- hierarchical IPTC keywords and categories
- apply or save IPTC templates
- rating of pictures using the IPTC urgency flag
- EXIF (EXchangeable Image File) information (date, time,
aperture, exposure time, ISO speed, ...):
- display EXIF
- copy EXIF
- save and restore EXIF
- remove EXIF
- alter EXIF date/time absolut or relative
- (re)build, copy, rotate EXIF thumbnail
- reset/clear EXIF orientation flag
- JPEG comments (single and multiple comments are supported):
- display JPEG comments
- add, edit, copy, join or remove comments
- add comments to multiple pictures without overwriting the existing comments (e.g. to add a copyright notice to many pictures at once (batch processing). Without overwriting the existing comments.)
Image Manipulation
- lossless JPEG rotation (90, 180, 270 degrees or automatic rotation using the EXIF orientation flag)
- lossless JPEG cropping to any format (useful when printing and framing pictures) [more]
- rotate pictures at any angle (this is not a lossless operation) [more]
- resize pictures, change the quality (file size) of pictures
- filter a picture (normalize, equalize, saturation, gamma, unsharp mask, ...) [more]
Image Browsing
Nowadays many programs are able to display meta data like IPTC, EXIF or
JPEG comments, but you have to press several buttons to see them for just one picture.
Mapivi is able to show and edit (batch processing) this informations for a number of pictures at once.
The unique feature (as far as I know :) of mapivi is the compact tabular display of all pictures in a directory with:
- thumbnail
- filename, file size, size in pixels, aspect ratio (4:3, 3:2, 1:1, ...)
- IPTC/IIM infos in a short readable format
- EXIF infos (date, time, aperture, exposure time, ISO, mode, camera type) in a short readable format
- comments
see thumbnail:

- click on thumbnail to open picture in original size
Other Features
- generate and display high quality thumbnails
- store generated thumbnail pictures in a sub directory (.thumbs) or a central thumbnail database for further access
- search for pictures (mapivi keeps a database with all file names,
directories, EXIF, IPTC data and comments) [more].
- import pictures from a digital camera, memory card or other device [more]
- file operations: rename, copy, move, email and delete pictures
- directory operations: rename, create, delete
- compare/diff two picture directories and show all files which differ by: file name, file size, pixel size, comment, EXIF info, IPTC info[more]
- search for duplicate pictures (by file name or by file size)[more]
- export a static html web gallery of the selected pictures with comments and EXIF and IPTC infos
(mapivi uses a page template so the design and layout of the html page
is very flexible). These html galleries may be presented on a web page or burned on a CD-ROM.[examples] [more]
- add a border/drop shadow and/or a copyright info (text or picture) to images [examples] [more]
- build index prints [more]
- compare details between two or more pictures by switching between these pictures zoomed to the same picture area
- batch rename pictures (e.g. according to their internal EXIF or
file date, e.g. "yyyymmdd-hhmm.jpg")
- show pictures in a slideshow
- fix camera CCD defects by interpolating dead and hot pixels (also possible while importing pictures)
- show the histogram of a picture[more]
- make screenshots (single window or complete desktop)
- set a picture as desktop background